Google Mobility Data¶
¶ All the Google Mobility Locations.
- Query Parameters
centroid – A geometry given in the WKT format, such as POLYGON((-180 60, -180 90, 180 90, 180 60, -180 60)). The locations with centroids within the given geometry will be returned.
bounds – A geometry given in WKT format, such as POINT(-92 42). Locations with bounding boxes that contain given point, or otherwise intersect the geometry will be returned.
region – Filter by region
region_code – Filter by region code
subregion1 – Filter by subregion1
subregion2 – Filter by subregion2
Response: Google Mobility Locations
¶ All the Google Mobility Location bounding boxes as a geojson file.
- Query Parameters
centroid – A geometry given in the WKT format, such as POLYGON((-180 60, -180 90, 180 90, 180 60, -180 60)). The locations with centroids within the given geometry will be returned.
bounds – A geometry given in WKT format, such as POINT(-92 42). Locations with bounding boxes that contain given point, or otherwise intersect the geometry will be returned.
region – Filter by region
region_code – Filter by region code
subregion1 – Filter by subregion1
subregion2 – Filter by subregion2
Response: A Geojson file
¶ All the Google Mobility Location points as a geojson file.
- Query Parameters
centroid – A geometry given in the WKT format, such as POLYGON((-180 60, -180 90, 180 90, 180 60, -180 60)). The locations with centroids within the given geometry will be returned.
bounds – A geometry given in WKT format, such as POINT(-92 42). Locations with bounding boxes that contain given point, or otherwise intersect the geometry will be returned.
region – Filter by region
region_code – Filter by region code
subregion1 – Filter by subregion1
subregion2 – Filter by subregion2
Response: A Geojson file
(int: location_id)/
¶ All the Google Mobility Records for a given location (location_id).
- Parameters
location_id – A location ID
- Status Codes
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – no location with that location_id
Response: Google Mobility Location
(int: location_id)/records/
(int: record_id)/
¶ The Google Mobility Record with record_id from the location (location_id).
- Parameters
location_id (int) – A location ID
record_id (int) – A record ID
- Status Codes
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – no record with that location_id and record_id
Response: Google Mobility Record
Mortality Data¶
¶ Metadata about the mortality data set
Response: Mortality Metadata
¶ Fetch a list of known locations
Response: Mortality Locations
¶ Fetch a list of known locations in geojson format
Response: A geojson file
(int: location_id)/
¶ Fetch a single mortality record for a given location.
- Parameters
location_id (int) – A location ID
- Status Codes
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – no record with that location_id
Response: Mortality Location Records
(int: location_id)/records/
(int: record_id)/
¶ Fetch a single mortality record for a given location.
- Parameters
location_id (int) – A location ID
record_id (int) – A record ID
- Status Codes
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – no record with that location_id and record_id
Response: Mortality Record